
Thursday, December 1, 2011

the pilgrimage

So, we walk upon this planet. Going along with life, playing along the wind. Letting it blow us wherever it wishes may be? Controlling every little single detail of our lives perhaps? Or maybe you have allowed someone else hold the pen? What about giving the pen to someone greater, out of this world, that someone who knows more about the human race, this planet, more than anyone else imaginable!. No scientist, no philosopher, no human can have His wisdom or understanding because He is the one who made them, who made everything we see. How can something you create understand more about you than you if you had created it? Same with God. What we know is just a speck of dust compared to what He knows. Try to be wise in your own eyes and you'll only see how foolish you are. He is in control of Everything. Truth.

We travel from one place to another. Journeys are usually about getting from one point to another. And the in between, the walk. We see things, encounter things, we try to survive. The physical journey is one where you need food and water to fuel you. You need to rest in the shade, and have a good sleep at night. Rest your feet. Is live all about survival? maybe for some. Is life if going well, all about being the best and on top? maybe for others. But what is life to you. what is the journey for?

What we are, is a soul with a body. Not the other way around. Have you thought about your spiritual journey? Is it asleep? pushed aside? is it growing? More than not, this journey on earth is about your inner growth and its always from the inside that shines and is displayed outward,  everything comes from the inside. A plant, it is healthy and strong because of the type of water it receives, its fertile soil and having enough sunlight. What is your spiritual water, your spiritual food, what is your Sunlight?

The thing about Christianity is that Christ has said, " I am the Living water ", " i am the bread of Life", come to me and you will never run thirsty nor hungry. He is our Sun, He is the light, apart from darkness. Its amazing how He ilustrates Himself as the Spiritual food for us, to grow, to live. Its amazing, and its the truth!. He even said "come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest!" Rest, the inner peace and joy and rest. Can only be found in the creator of it. It can't exist anywhere else! You may get physical rest from stopping and laying down, But the inner man, that inner self, the peace and rest, God gives its like no other, nothing like the world. And He Jesus is the one who said , follow me!, I will lead you, I will impart my Spirit to you, to always be with you.

You see, if you think life is all about what you see, well. Its more than what you see. This whole world is a battlefield between good and evil. Between God and the sons of Disobedience. Choose your side. God is knocking on your heart, He is always willing to be your God if you'll just let Him. Nature obeys Him, why do you think the sunrises and sets at the same time, gravity holds things down, The trees grows and give. They obey the rules of nature, We on the other hand, we were made in Gods image, God let us choose, create, we have free will to disobey. Could you imagine if the sun was able to say, " i'll take a rest today at my own time mind you" .. or the trees that give out fruit were able to withhold them from you asking for something in return, or if gravity decided it didn't want to work that way. 

The whole world would be chaos! Now imagine your life living in disobedience. We are all fallen and imperfect. But God has given us Grace to be accepted. He fulfilled the Law by reversing everything when His perfect sinless Son paid the price for humanity. Sin = dead. But when someone sinless, not at fault pays the price for everyones sins, everything reversed. Dead was Conquered. The curse removed towards those that accepts Jesus. The Law fulfilled. We were ransomed. The bible is a beautiful love story. Of God and His people. Check it out :)

Imagine music being played in an Orchestra. You need someone to orchestrate it!, To write the music piece, If you want it to sound like its suppose to, Magnificent. Every single one of the players need to play their instrument by looking on to the orchestrator.  If everyone decided to do their own thing, or that they will worship the guitar player instead or the harp player. Everything just gets messed up. But the thing about life is that, God orchestrates all of time and eternity. He weaves it so magnificently that His will, will be done.  He will even work so in a way, that those who are not on his side, what they do also plays a part in fulfilling His will. Did you think that if the devil knew that crucifying Christ would save humanity He would actually work for it to happen. And at that point where Christ was on the cross, the devil might have thought he won. But the truth was that God was going to fulfill the Law! God was going to conquer death. God is wisdom. So its either walk with Christ, follow Him. Or the highway.

I shall just stop here today :)
just biscuits for thought i guess.

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